all postcodes in CV3 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV3 6AA 18 0 52.381757 -1.525452
CV3 6AB 9 0 52.386741 -1.53323
CV3 6AD 30 0 52.396777 -1.515944
CV3 6AE 7 0 52.387322 -1.532342
CV3 6AH 1 1 52.401935 -1.520287
CV3 6AJ 22 3 52.401888 -1.515035
CV3 6AN 10 1 52.400685 -1.51546
CV3 6AQ 1 1 52.399947 -1.517364
CV3 6AS 30 0 52.374659 -1.511044
CV3 6AT 1 1 52.399796 -1.515558
CV3 6AU 23 2 52.397757 -1.516168
CV3 6AW 17 2 52.384677 -1.52949
CV3 6AX 17 0 52.385577 -1.532008
CV3 6AY 42 0 52.38649 -1.531205
CV3 6AZ 7 0 52.38604 -1.533355
CV3 6BA 33 0 52.387075 -1.531287
CV3 6BB 16 0 52.388059 -1.530086
CV3 6BD 23 0 52.387033 -1.531948
CV3 6BE 28 2 52.383975 -1.533876
CV3 6BG 36 0 52.381683 -1.536368